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NO_H2O November 28th 2003 21:11

It feels good to have it in nationwide print, but it feels better to drive it down the road, get lots of looks and drive it to shows and have people ask if I realy drove it insted of trailer it. Some don't believe that I drive it. But it is a car and cars should be driven.

hybrid_john November 29th 2003 12:59

You are completely right H20, a car is meant to be driven, even if you spend 50,000 on a custom ride, if you build it you know exactly what your driving and you have a lot of respect for it, as opposed to another person building the car for you. Thats what's partially wrong with trailoring a vehicle, you don't respect the vehicle enough to drive it, you are affraind to drive it, or the horespower is so incredible you can't drive it for a long distance...

good for you H20 at least you drive you vehicle, doese it kinda blows some peoples minds when you tell them that?


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