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Supa Ninja December 21st 2004 18:44


Originally Posted by rip
Frankly, anything that moves away from the old idea that "speed is everything" and gives more credit to those who cares about handling, and the engineering that goes into a well built machine. I'm just tired of the whole Cal look thing, guess I should move. :laugh:

keep me posted

Rip, I feel the exact same way. Zen if you decide to go double sided, maybe instead of the logo on the back have it on a sleeve. I have a Alpinestars tee and it looks very sharp like that. I think what will happen is no matter what the finally decision I myself and I'm sure a few others will get one no matter if it's the one choosen by the masses or not. Oh ya also there have been talks about stickers for the last couple of years, is that going to happen too?
One more idea is a pic of a hot cartoon(anime) chick and "curves are good"

Scotts73SB December 21st 2004 18:51

heh.. "broadist" appeal!!! good pun!! :D
Cant have a girl on it due to everyone has different tastes in what a girl should look like.
Id say go for words.. if you use signs.. some place like Cal Trans or Highway will say you stole the image from thier website and people are a little to sue happy.
Would be cool to have a space on there where we could have a place to put a transfer of our own favorite cars on there now that you can make your own. Maybe on the back or something.
So i say.. use words.. no one can copyright that! Unless its a saying or something.

zen December 21st 2004 20:00

not anime, but best i could do on short notice. :laugh:

btw, not going here. just a joke.

super vw December 21st 2004 22:29

I dig the one with the signs and logo on the back.


rip December 22nd 2004 04:02

or pic of girl/sign with "We can handle curves ..." and on the back a german look bug with "... can you?" or something to that effect.

vujade December 22nd 2004 11:13


Originally Posted by rip
or pic of girl/sign with "We can handle curves ..." and on the back a german look bug with "... can you?" or something to that effect.

on that note, what about a pic of the girl silhouette on the sign with 'dangerous curves ahead' :D

BWE December 22nd 2004 19:10

I like:
"Front: I like my rice with a some V8 on the side
Back: logo"

I'll take two of whatever you decide in a M and a L.


Sandeep December 23rd 2004 10:53

I'll take 2 in Large. Just make sure it has a pic or sillouette (sp?) of a GL bug ! :D


Rob December 23rd 2004 13:30

I'll take one L.

More taglines:

"Move over"
"This 'nice little car' can kick your ***"
"Yes Officer, it's 100% stock"
"Go fast or Suck" ('borrowed' from SCC)
"Not your grampa's bug"
"Fun is not a straight line"

I really like the 'Pissing off the purists' one.


zen December 23rd 2004 13:55

glad i asked. Large is a lot more in demand than i would have expected. i will just be running L and XL. probably 70/30% split. there have been some great suggestions on here and just goes to show the diversity of tastes in this community.

i think the "Pissing off the Purists" seems to be the winner and will be the run for the first batch (and on-going). i will drop the extra tag on it and leave the saying just as is. assuming good sales on these to recoup costs, i will start running more styles and colors as well and other merch like stickers will be coming soon.

thanks to everyone for the suggestions and the support. :agree: keep the thread running with more suggestions for the next run. there are already some front runners. biggest seems to key off anti-staight line and pro-curves. thought of one, "There's nothing fun about going straight", then realized the different conitations that can have. :confused: i'm guessing that might not be a big seller for all. :laugh:

look for an announcement on availability soon.

eisblau December 24th 2004 12:38

I'll take one in L and grey.
'Pissing off the purists' sounds good.

There is only one problem: I live in Germany, do you ship overseas and how can I send you the money???


zen December 24th 2004 13:47

i have to work out the details yet, but my plan is to ship overseas as well. i just have to figure out the right rates to charge. payment will only be through PayPal in US funds. that is the only way i can see safely pulling that off.

super vw December 24th 2004 20:32


I agree with NOT having the "There's nothing fun about going straight" tag, i think it would sound a little strange to people outside the auto world. i get plenty of gay jokes from friends about not having a girl friend... i dont need any more ressons :D


hybrid_john December 25th 2004 03:05

I would deffinately take a shirt in L. I like the "Pissing Off the Purists" idea but I like the girl/dangerous curves as well. Either way zen I would deffinately take one off your hands but I cant use pay-pal, my card is maxed out with the 69 in the garage :rolleyes:


Chris Percival January 4th 2005 09:53

Hows about the line from my sig?

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