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EASY RIDER October 4th 2006 13:25

How is the Kamei spoiler in your driveway? Do you still have clearance issues?

oasis October 4th 2006 14:48


Originally Posted by EASY RIDER (Post 54259)
How is the Kamei spoiler in your driveway? Do you still have clearance issues?

I have it nearly mastered. I have to enter nose-first (no backing in) at a 40º-55º angle. Any less, I'm scraping; any more, I'm in the rough. Since parallel parking is acceptable on either side of the entrance of the driveway, that adds another element to the drama.

I almost don't scrape anywhere with it anymore. I must say it is a tough little bugger and I am glad it is ABS plastic. If it were f/g or c/f, I would be talking about it in the past tense.

oasis February 20th 2007 03:11

Here are the latest pics.

The first is a pic of my new CSP shifter which I love. It also shows my new ash tray which is three parts coming from three different places. :sleep: Not pictured is my new cup holder with a cell phone pouch. :rolleyes:

oasis February 20th 2007 03:12

Next is a pic of my KPH speedometer which I know is a snorefest for our Canadian, European and Asian friends. The neat thing is it was calibrated by North Hollywood Speedometer to measure MPH. Now, you're impressed. ;)

Nothing new to see here but snow surrounding my car. :)

NO_H2O February 20th 2007 11:31

Looking good Dennis. I bet that shifter is a nice upgrade. Kevin has installed one in his Oval and he loves it. I think I heard the Scat Drag-Fast shifter (that he upgraded from) go sailing thru the trees behind the shop after he tested the CSP shifter. The speedo came out nice too. How is that tach working out for you? Summit has their shift light on sale right now for $30.99.

oasis February 20th 2007 11:58

Saying the shifter upgrade is a night-and-day difference is almost understating it. It is so solid and smooth, why it has me grinning that grin I'm sure you remember.

A subtle thing about it I also like is I don't have to stretch forward to grab first or third. All gears are comfortably within reach.

Mine is listed as a 40% reduction. I can't even begin to imagine what a 60%'er would be like. It might be too much ... or too little depending on the perspective.

It was suggested I should black-out the surround on my speedo now. I'm digesting that advice for the moment.

The tach works most of the time. The weather backlogged my shop and they got the filter changed and the Royal Purple in the veins as well as the above-mentioned installs. As you can see, it idles at 600 in the cold. After it warms a bit, it idles around 800-900. They will look at the tach more closely the next time they see it.

I haven't forgotten about the light. I'm still conceptualizing where to put it. Maybe I will have a decision by the next time I see you. :agree:

Pillow February 21st 2007 00:25

That is a really cool looking shifter!!! Old school, but clean.

You will have to show it off in Manassas this spring :)

oasis February 21st 2007 09:15


Originally Posted by Pillow (Post 57267)
You will have to show it off in Manassas this spring :)

That would be nice. I seem to have the goofiest luck in attending that show for whatever reasons. Your post makes a good reminder to find out this year's date. :)

oasis May 29th 2007 10:51


Originally Posted by Pillow (Post 57267)
You will have to show it off in Manassas this spring :)

I was there on Sunday. I was parked next to Granny Smith Apple Green (my name for it) GL 1302. It looked spectacular. I didn't get to chat with the owner. He was constantly wiping every gram of pollen off of it.

Mine was washed. When I got there I wiped off most of the bazillion dead bugs but that's all. Seems like every time I go to Nissan Pavillion, too, I have to clean off the mass grave of insects. Is that why they call it BugOut? ;)

I had to leave at 2, but I got to see all of the cars and all of the vendors. The drag races were still going on when I departed. I'm not sure I understood the scoreboard. It didn't hold my interest anyway.

I was surprised to see a lot of good deals on cars being sold. By good, I guess I mean fair prices for condition, etc. There were at least five cars I would have purchased if I were in the market.

Sorry, no pics. I didn't think to take my daughter's camera. I have ten gigs of jpg's and gif's to purge off my hard drive, so maybe that was in the back of my mind. Or, I was just forgetful. I didn't take an umbrella either. :rolleyes:

My 1302 drove like a champ. I took it to my father-in-law's birthday -- an hour-plus drive each way -- the day before plus the nearly two-hour drive to Manassas. I am happy to report I got a genuine 27 MPG while driving between 70 and 80 MPH most of the way.

I averaged 29.0 on the return trip from Georgia after the engine/transaxle install by DTM. Except for a couple of spirited moments, I was maintaining a pedestrian speed of 55-65 then. That calculation took into account the tire size change but it assumed the speedo was accurate to begin with -- something I did not verify. My current speedo is calibrated specifically for my car and driving through unmanned speed traps have verified its accuracy. I am tending to believe the 29.0 is close to being correct, although Sammy Hagar is coming to mind about maintaining that speed ever again.

NO_H2O May 29th 2007 12:40

Glad to hear you got a chance to hit a show with your GL. Also glad to hear that it is running well.:agree:

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