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Fiatdude May 14th 2017 23:21 [/quote]

Fiatdude July 9th 2017 15:19

Fiatdude August 4th 2017 18:58

DORIGTT August 5th 2017 20:22

What is the bracing underhood for/accomplish?

rioprelude December 17th 2017 01:02

Any updates?

acidjzaz April 10th 2018 00:16

Great write up on this build!!! I want to do something similar to my KG.

I am also also wondering if the angled brace under the hood is also like a "non strut" but non body flex brace .

Also what are your thoughts on your front suspension setup.

Fiatdude June 11th 2018 01:05

That angle brace was in there to mount 2 oil coolers to. The front suspension works great once I got the anti sway bar installed.

Fiatdude June 11th 2018 01:08

Damn -- -- It's been since forever since I've been on here ... Some of you have missed me, Some of you haven't LOL

Well, Here's the short story.... Last October I turned 65 and I had been dragging my feet at retiring .... I had hooked with a good company and really was enjoying the type of jobs they were doing and the work I was getting to do. Well, on February 1st, the wife insisted that we list the house and try selling it again (last time things didn't go very good). I, in my infinite wisdom and thinking, thought that it would be the same stuff all over again. NOT, we had 4 full price offers the first weekend..... Damn, we're gonna have to move and do it in 21 days.....

Again didn't think this thing through very much.... We had been living in this house for over 27 years and you can guess all the stuff I had collected during that period of time. So, why worry, I'll go to work and let my wife pack it all up.... Can you guess where this is going LOL. Needless to say I gave my 2 weeks notice and all the while, every waking moment was spent packing and moving stuff into storage.... Did I mention we didn't have any place to go to yet???? Nope, not a clue where we were gonna end up....

So, on the very last weekend we were to own the house, I called hire-a-mover and had 3 guys move most of the big stuff from the house and into 3000 cubic feet of storage and some of the essentials into the motorhome... We moved to the local regional park (about a mile from the house) and then sat there trying to figure out what was next..... can you guys tell I wasn't really happy about moving out of the house???

Anyway, we decided to head towards Missouri where I had about a million relatives and we had been there a ton of times on vacation. Oh Chit, what about the Ghia, There was no more spaces left at the storage, and the wife told me I wasn't gonna spend $250 a month on space rental just to put that dumb car inside somewhere. ... .. ... So it got loaded onto the open car trailer and wrapped with 2 car covers, some blue traps and then bungee'd wrapped and hoping it would survive out in the open at a friends lot....

So, we put the Flex on a car dolly and packed up the MH and off the MO we went...... Holy Crap was it cold in March in Mo... and it wasn't really that cold by Mo standards 12 degrees (f) a few nights, 22 a lot of nights, and a healthy dose of snow on occassion... LOL ------- Please notice all the Marble size hail on the ground from an overnight storm -- IT WAS LOUD IN THE MOTORHOME!!!!

Anyway, we started looking for a house and of course what the wife was wanting and what I was wanting were in two different parking lots on opposite coasts of the continent LOL.... But after 2 months of full time looking at stuff in our price range, she decided on this house in Monett MO....

Not a bad little place 1700 sq ft upstairs and 900 sq ft in the finished basement.... really funky designed thing, but the wife wanted it so.. .. you know the story, Happy wife blah blah blah...

It did have this detached little 2 car garage where 1/2 of it was set up as a paint booth and a nice covered RV parking thing that was about 15' too short for my Motorhome,,, but....

The house is sitting on 5 (20200 sq meters) acres of land, of which 3.5 acres are of grass which needs mowing -- -- Damn... So I ended up buying a lawnmower that cost more than the first 5 cars I owned combined!!!! Damn nice lawnmower if you ask me, even has a cup holder if your worrying about that... OH yeah it did also have this other little building sitting on the property.....

Something about a 40' x 60' (223 sq meter) shop building that just brings tears to a man's eye!!!!!!!

Well, the place had some issues, so we bought it in "as-is" condition and took possession the first week in March and 2 days later were flying to Cali to get the Ghia, .. oh, and the rest of the stuff...

We hired the same movers to take all the stuff out of storage and put it into a 26' Penske rental truck -- about half way through this it became apparent that one truck was not going to be enough, so I got another one and filled that one up too... I then hooked the car trailer up to the 26 footer and we prepared for the second part of adventure.....

Man, there was a ton of things that happened on the trip back to Mo which would fill another blog. but I won't bore you with here. but we made it right before Memorial Day weekend, put the Ghia in the 40x60 and it sure looked awfull lonely in there with my multi million dollar mower, I need some more stuff don't you think????

Anyway, it's taken me 2 weeks to get around to unpacking all my office stuff and setting up my computer, so I could give you a update... Aren't you glad you had all this extra time to spend reading this LOL Love you guys!!!!

Fiatdude June 11th 2018 01:09

Sorry about the huge pictures guys..................

owdlvr June 11th 2018 15:01

LOVE the shops! You are a lucky man, your wife knows how to pick a good place!

Oh, house ain't bad I suppose ;)


Fiatdude June 22nd 2018 01:29

Took the Ghia to a car show in Joplin MO Thursday night -- --

First car show I ever went to that a relative stock 2013 Camaro won best car …..

So I guess I shouldn't of been surprised when I won this …. But I was amused, very amused …... LOL

Steve C June 22nd 2018 04:19

the judges have good taste

Fiatdude June 24th 2018 00:08

Thank you

I never win anything at car shows just because of it being an old race car and me not wanting to hide that with shiny.... A woman told me at that show that at least I could clean it up some and I replied "Why? That doesn't make it faster.."

acidjzaz June 25th 2018 19:24

Thanks for the update
:-( to see you leave SoCal.. but that new garage is pretty nice and you get to shock and awe at local car shows :-) hahaha

Wally July 2nd 2018 05:26

Very nice house and even better garage! Thats a 'garage goal' right there haha!

Love the Ghia on those rims, excellent choice imo!
I just moved myself, so I know what a pain that is. Still, the rewards are worth it if you move by your own choice of course ;-)

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