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chug_A_bug June 11th 2006 04:32

FOOM HMM:shrug:
just one of those sleepless night, and thinking of the 69 GL if I were to put some really good exspanding Foom in the heater channels that would make the car stiffer right??


SoCalGL June 11th 2006 08:25

dude its 5:30 am in los angeles and i'm up on german want to talk about a sleepless night??...

volkdent June 11th 2006 17:17

WTH! Doing a search for "expanding FOAM" you will find that it doesn't do much but improve your already excellent chances of rust.

BTW, from one Canadian to another, you're making our educational system look pretty bad, and it's not. When your posting, if you look in the upper right corner of the box you'll see a little "abc" and a check mark. That stands for a newfangled thing called "spell check" that I'm sure you might find helpful.:laugh:

chug_A_bug June 11th 2006 22:19

hey F$ck *** just simmer dude so I have a leaning disability and to boot I every seen that and I don't really care all that much so just lay off ya f$ck nut. and just try to help and try to not put someone down. but thanks alot dill face.:eek:

kleinporsche June 11th 2006 23:13

Chug a bug, I got to be on Volkdent's side being Canadian too... Before insulting anybody, I think you should get some sleep. Or use those "sleepless nights" to think or research a little more before posting: reading helps spelling. Maybe going easy on the chug would help :drunk: lol Take it easy, the GL process takes time.:cool:

volkdent June 12th 2006 00:06

Sorry, Chug, just some good natured ribbing there. My best friend is dislexic, and spells similarily. The spell check doesn't even work! The answers the same though, it just causes more rust. Your questions are STILL all over the place, when you gonna settle down?

BTW, if you REALLY don't care that much, don't bother posting, because most of the people on here are deadly serious about GL stuff.


chug_A_bug June 12th 2006 17:44

heyguys,m ya sorry I blow up, but it just really bugs me when ppl are like that, and sorry if my post don't make cents I really really do love these car, if I didn't have my 69 I would go crazy:eek: and I knwo that you guys know alot about GL's and I just want to lean and lean more so that's why I post so much here. I just don't know where to look on the web and so I just use this for that I good look and read alot of web pages hey I haven't been able to work for the past 3 years so I'v had alot of time read and not so much doing. well sorry again for all that has happen guys and later days.


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