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elev8_dude July 21st 2007 22:02

What would cause the over heating
Trouble in the sunshine state (FL). Now I know the temperatures here have gone up, however I recently went from dual 40' to dual 44 webers and on the way home my engine shot up to 240. I have always ran at a max highway temp of 210. I checked the oil, plenty. I have a full flow system also. The only thing I can think of is the oil is shoot (crazy idea), The new carbs got me running to lean or my oil pump is freaked up. This is brand new since the new carbs. I'm lost, as usual. Just concerned cause my engine is a 1915cc and I'm in the dead mid of summer.

P.S. Could timing be a factor. I didn't change anything on my MSD distributor when I switched to the 44'

Help before its to late...

beetle1303 July 26th 2007 15:00

Ive seen up to 120C (248F) in the traffic in Athens during mid day when ambient temp was reaching 45C+ (113F). but at the highway oil temp dropped down to 95C (203F) while cruizing at around 100km/h. Im running a very humble 1776 with no full flow and a close ratio diff.

It is very imprtant to change your oil frequently, for many reasons such as:

1. First of all VW states in their owner manual to change the oil at least twice per year.
2. While having 1 in mind, and considering the extra strain on a modified engine, oil should be of higher quality than plain oil. By that i dont mean to change for a synthetic based oil. I tried it and the temps were raised by 10C in the aformentioned conditions.
This happens because of the higher tolerances that exist in our engines, compared to the modern engines. As a side effect, there will be oil consumption or even higher if u have already.

In ur case that u got full flow ( i will assume that u got an oil cooler as well) it is strange to see high temps at this level. The oil should get extra cooling from the increased length of the transfer pipes, but if u dont have a big enough oil pump, the oil warning lamp should lght up.
If i where u, i would try a different oil and avoid revving the engine on the highway for extended periods.

The part of our cooling that in one way anoyes me and in another troubles me is that our cooling depends on rpm. So to provide your engine with sufficient cooling u need to rev it. But as u rev high, stress increases as temps in the engine.

I hope i helped a bit


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