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Panelfantastic March 30th 2004 16:58

Logo for my panel??
I've been thinking about doing a Porsche related logo for my panel. Having a buddy cut it from vinyl so it wouldn't be permanant is one way, or painting it on and then distressing it (but the rest of my paint isn't faded so that might look wrong).
Something like "Genuine PORSCHE parts and service" or "PORSCHE speedparts" etc. With the letters PORSCHE large and in the fore front in their style of lettering and whatever else kinda small and underneath. I would want to do it in soft colors and keep it subtle, almost hidden...

Panelfantastic March 30th 2004 17:02

Here's a pic to help get a mental pic ...

NO_H2O March 30th 2004 17:39

Distressing it would look cool on a "Rat Ride", and a Rat Ride GL would be cool. I think your paint and wheels are too good for a Rat.
Vinyl would be a cool modern clean look. I think it would be cool.

Rob March 30th 2004 17:49

Yep, I like the Vinyl idea.
Get some 'old school' type lettering, you know, so it looks like
an old delivery van or something....


NO_H2O March 30th 2004 19:47

If you are going to do it get some sponsor money and make it pay.

boygenius March 30th 2004 20:20

How about "Volkswagen built... PORSCHE inspired..."

That will turn a few heads...

If all else fails... "Wanna race" :laugh:

Panelfantastic March 30th 2004 20:51

I'm trying to come up with something that uses that blocky looking Porsche script as a banner and then maybe something in German below in smaller more european lettering...

die Servieteile mit Eilboten

Only the Porsche would be half as high and twice as wide...kinda stretched...

boygenius March 30th 2004 20:59

How big are you planning on making the logo...

Panelfantastic March 30th 2004 22:07

If you take a look at the pic, there is a reflection of a flourescent light on the upper rear. About that long, maybe ten-twelve inches high.

petevw March 30th 2004 22:09

i wouldn't.

it would look "ricey".

the panel looks awesome CLEAN!

no vinyl, it will ruin the clean lines/colour.

my thoughts,

justdubbin April 1st 2004 14:53

I agree with NO H20, if it was a rat.... then definitely go for it, but it's not, it's got to be one of the cleanest looking panels out there & that's where Pete’s comments come in

the panel looks awesome CLEAN!
no vinyl, it will ruin the clean lines/colour.
I think you should leave it as it is....beautiful :D


Shadowbug April 1st 2004 15:16

find an old school sighn painter and have him actually paint it on, gold leaf might be even cooler.

Panelfantastic April 1st 2004 17:23

I'm probably gonna leave it as-is. That's the problem with waiting forever on parts... you get bored and start dreaming up stuff :sleep: ..

NO_H2O April 1st 2004 18:11

I hear that.
Later (after you have it on the road) you will have to get it ready for a show or gathering and won't have any time to get it ready (clean it up from being driven) so you can show up the trailer queens. :laugh:

Panelfantastic April 1st 2004 18:34

I definately want to make a few shows this summer. I hope it will be running soon but after it is, the progress will grind to a halt. No fresh paint this year. Probably no finished interior this year. BUT... I still intend to make a few shows anyway as "under construction" as long as it is drivable. That means trailering it to the town, then off loading and cruising!
We just started our dream house, I must show that my priorities are in order.
(the new shop will be only 1,000 sq ft smaller than the entire new house :D :D )

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