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hot66 January 17th 2003 05:25

German - UK Chapter?
For all the UK German Lookers, shall we set up a UK division of German

Maybe meet at some of the shows / trackdays, have some of the completed UK German Lookers on display, photos of projects on the go etc...?

Anybody interested in this?

Chris Percival January 17th 2003 09:12

Absolutely!! We could hold the first one ever at the first Castle Combe Triple C action day this April? Maybe we could kick start it by getting a mention in Volksworld?

vujade January 17th 2003 09:13

I dont think the owners of German want people forming forming any international divisions.

The members of VolkSport Käfer Gruppe and the owners of had discussed whether or not to allow VKG to become an international club.

It was decided that we would let the GL community decide for us.
The choice for you, the international GL community would be to either form chapters of VKG or start your own GL club.... as stated above, I dont think is looking for any divisions or chapters of their website. :)

Please visit this thread & vote! :)
I believe this is the post in question


Chris Percival January 17th 2003 09:21

Well I think hot66 really just meant a UK German Look club rather than a club having official links to or VKG..

hot66 January 17th 2003 09:40

sorry i think I confused things slightly.

I was really trying to get a specific 'performance / german look' club started.

A club that was more performance based than the usual 'social' clubs.

There are some performance 'drag race' orienated clubs but nothing for those of us who think about the total package of performance.

If there was interest, then the Castle Coombe day could be a good start :)

There are a lot of of UK bugs being built at the moment for all out performance, it would be nice to group them together into a single club.

hot66 January 17th 2003 09:44


Originally posted by vujade

It was decided that we would let the GL community decide for us.
The choice for you, the international GL community would be to either form chapters of VKG or start your own GL club.... as stated above, I dont think is looking for any divisions or chapters of their website. :)

Please visit this thread & vote! :)
I believe this is the post in question


oopps, didn't read this before my last post.

The VKG is the kind of thing I was thinking about :)

Chris Percival January 17th 2003 09:44

The club could also go under the VWTRA (VW Track Racing Association) banner?

hot66 January 17th 2003 09:50

I suppose the problem is most of the cars being built are for the road & will be used on the track occasionally.

You don't want people thinking the club is a 'motorsport club' based on track racing


Chris Percival January 17th 2003 10:01

I understand your point. However I think there is a huge amount of crossover and shared interest between the 2 proposed UK clubs? I just thought it would help both clubs get of the ground if we merge the two together?

Chris Percival January 17th 2003 10:04

Anyway many VW clubs here in the UK don't consider themselves to be drag racing clubs, yet they regularly visit Santa Pod and RWYB events like Bug Jam, and Big Bang..

hot66 January 17th 2003 10:08

A crossover club would be great. I can just picture a club stand at future shows (vw & non vw shows), some great performance 'germanlook' style street cars lined up next to more dedicated track cars :D

I was only commenting on the name, wouldn't like the name of a club to put people off or make them think it is to biased in one direction :)

Chris Percival January 17th 2003 10:13

Ah sorry, yes ok, I agree with you about the name, it is a bit specific isn't it..

Yes I can see that image too, how cool would that be! I don't know how you might go about doing it though, I am still having trouble getting any real commited interest in the VWTRA..

hot66 January 17th 2003 10:24

if you start by pushing the club idea to the known UK German Look buiders/ fans on other forums etc I'm sure there will be interest.

I suppose the difficult bit is taking an idea & getting it into reality.

bren January 17th 2003 10:25

count me in for that, my bug is at most VW shows anyway.

as for the trackday chris, im well interested in the castle combe day, but cant commit right now due to funds, or lack of! got too many other commitments at the moment, would only be able to book a couple of weeks prior to the date. something that i can do at VW events as tickets are set aside at the gate for people who just turn up. its the whole thing of having to prebook thats causing my issues, i just dont have the spare cash right now.

Chris Percival January 17th 2003 10:29

Thats OK bren, I know your position, and I thank you for your interest, the comment it wasn't aimed at anyone specific...

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