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DORIGTT November 4th 2003 21:56

Who can get us Kafer Cup racing videos?
I would like to know where we can get Kafer Cup racing on video or other VW racing (not drag necessarily).

I would like to see how our cars actually do in the hands of 'trained professionals' for entertainment and educational benefits.

Soooo, c'mon you people in Europe!!! Fix us up!!

Thanks in advance.

Eurolook71 November 5th 2003 02:48


I REALLY like this idea....i would pay for fotage of bugs actually RACING (not drag!) Sounds good to me!!

DORIGTT November 5th 2003 07:06


Two of us junkies have just spoken up! Now who is gonna supply us the good stuff?

Sandeep November 5th 2003 10:08

I'm in !

We have the JSports racer on the main page (34MB) ... I'll be track racing my bug in 2004 and will have a video camera mount fabbed up for it !

But I would like to see more vids !!!!!!! :D:D:D


DORIGTT November 5th 2003 12:48

I've got a cable modem on my computer so I'm not too concerned about downloading large files like that. I'd just like them to be on VHS or DVD so I can spread the gospel of the power and allure of the 'modern' aircooled VW's with people who may not have fast modems for downloading and out in my garage when I'm working on my toys.:D

I have seen various sites like VW Speed and the one French website that links to Kafer Cup car racing...just no long (meaning a full length 2 hour video) videos.

Who hosts the races? I would imagine some budding cameramen and producers who enjoy VW's and motorsports would be excited about the possibility of sharing such exciting footage as well as make a few bucks in the process.

I'd pay the $30-$40 bucks or so per tape to own those videos.

So, talk to your friends...(I have none because I sell New VWs and drive old VW's here in the Motor City (Metro Detroit area) and see if they know anyone who has exposure to the races.

Thanks in advance.

Alex November 6th 2003 01:35

Here my friends :D

Not much but better than nothing.


Wally November 6th 2003 05:44


Originally posted by DORIGTT

Who hosts the races?
Thanks in advance.

Klaus Morhammer did. I did find an old tel. number from him (from '99?) : +49 898500464 but I'am not sure that still works.
He still writes for VW Speed occasionally.

It might just be that there have never been a semi-professional video shot of those races...


Richie November 6th 2003 07:57


I seem to remember that there were some old Käfercup:( video's around.
One in particular was showing a race during an (also old) DTM raceweekend. It also showed the Z-series bug with the 16v watercooled boxer.
Sadly I don't have that video but I'll ask a friend who has, where he purchased it.
I'll let you know.


kafercup February 3rd 2004 23:25

I spoke with Klaus Morhammer a couple of years back and he was trying to put some of the videos together for me, but then he disappeared. :( Anyone out there have any contact with him? We need to get these videos over here so I can put them together on DVD :cool:

SilverBullet February 4th 2004 02:28

Are these races still going on? Sure would like to take a trip to see these races. Like a years programme on the races date would be great. :)

Richie February 4th 2004 03:53


Well I was mistaken about the Käfercupvideo but he does have a video featuring the French series. But I don't think they are still available.

Klaus Morhammer is editor/contributor with a German magazine VW-Speed nowadays (oops, should have looked at Wally's reply :o )and is no longer organizing the Käfercup, as far as I know.

There is though, still a kind of Käfercup active in Germany, but it isn't as well-known as the original series. I think it's more a local series in southern Germany (Bavaria) and Austria. But maybe one of our German members can chime in?


Supa Ninja February 4th 2004 04:39

"I'm Nick and I'm addicted to Volkswagens"
"Hi Nick"

Ya put me on the list of junkies


kafercup February 4th 2004 18:46

AFAIK the Belgian and French Cup series are still running. With all the hardcore VW guys in Europe there has to be a collection of these videos somewhere. :D

Richie February 5th 2004 03:55


Well, Elroocky is a contender in the French series as far as I know, maybe he can provide the video's?


Sandeep February 6th 2004 10:07


Do you have a link to this racing series ? I would be really interested in seeing some pictures ! :D We're STARVED for VW racing videos on this side of the Pond. :help:



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