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super vw November 9th 2003 21:51

Looking for 914 speedo, tach, combo gauge
im looking for a the three main gauges found on a 914, the tach, speedo and the fuel/combo guage.

Please email me at


zen November 10th 2003 21:31

there is almost always some on ebay. when i was buying i got one for $20 and another for $75 (just so you know the range to expect). ironically, the $20 set was in much better shape.

Alex November 10th 2003 21:49

I have a 914 tach if you are interested.


super vw November 10th 2003 21:59

yeah i have beed looking on ebay, but not much has been in to great of shape, maybe one of them is, but some one e-mailed me today with a set they are offering so if i can get it at for a good price (under $75) im all good. but if some one has a full set in good condition (works well and looks good) i might be interested still.

BTW, any one have or know a place i can get a new dash (Porsche look or other) something that i can fit the 914 gauges in.


Alex November 10th 2003 22:05

Check the tach.

Let me know if you are interested and we can talk.


super vw November 10th 2003 22:11

Second pic, is this the one for sale?

Alex November 10th 2003 22:39


Actually all the gauges are for sale.


super vw November 11th 2003 01:43

I need all three, so I will see if I can get them all at once first. If not, I guess I will just get them one at a time.

Ill tall ya what i come up with...


super vw December 14th 2003 20:47

well, i havent had any luck finding a good set. the guy localy that has some is so hard to get a hold of, i tried his house 6 times and no one is there (tryed weekends and weekdays). he was going to sell me a set for $100.

so if any one has a set or knows where i can get some for under $100 shipped please let me know.
Please dont direct me to poor looking and working gauges, i need a set that works smoothly and is in good shape. not saying any of you guys would do that:eek:
Also, if you have a set of AutoMeter gauges or VDO what would be cool to. i just want a matching set for speedo, tach, oil..ect.


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