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vugbug71 April 10th 2011 02:18

Weight Loss
Did a quick search but couldn't find much about shedding weight in your VW. Often Germanlook cars are fairly heavy due to big engines, big brakes, roll cages, and all the other trick stuff, especially street thrashers that have all the lights, bumpers, and full interiors. Just wanted some first hand experiences with weight loss...what have you guys done to save a little weight?

vugbug71 April 10th 2011 02:22

when my super looked like this it absolutely flew!! but obviously i cant drive it like so haha
really it was scary fast

volkdent April 10th 2011 15:35

Fiberglass evenything for starters, just order up one of everything from Creative Car Craft. Light wheels next, twofold positive there. Lexan windows where they would work well.


vugbug71 April 10th 2011 16:07

my wheels are pretty light, one reason i went with 15's instead of porsche 17's

drilled rotors saves some rotating weight i would think

al_kaholik April 18th 2011 08:57

Aluminium brake calipers, "swiss cheese" drilling everything that isn't structural (handles, window winders, seat bases) CF/fribreglass door cards, lose all the sound deadening, remove the spare wheel. See the "bolt porn" thread for anal weight saving...

Arnoud April 18th 2011 11:58

Aluminum calipers wont help much if the discs weigh a ton-I assembled my 964 discs/calipers/hubs and spindles-they are HEAVY:eek:

volkdent April 18th 2011 21:18


Originally Posted by al_kaholik (Post 80478)
Aluminium brake calipers, "swiss cheese" drilling everything that isn't structural (handles, window winders, seat bases) CF/fribreglass door cards, lose all the sound deadening, remove the spare wheel. See the "bolt porn" thread for anal weight saving...

Swiss cheesing everything will hardly get you any weight savings compared to aluminum bolts! And takes a LOT of time! Swiss Cheesing is mostly for looks on a bug, and can effect the structure of a lot of things considerably.

I'll go along with everything else though.


al_kaholik April 19th 2011 02:32

Every once counts as they say.

How about carbon or grp seats too, with no padding

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