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zen September 22nd 2006 15:24

"Show Dem Tat's" Contest
So Mr. NO_H2O is the inspiration for this thread. He just got himself the first GL tat i have seen. Let's see some other tat's. Doesn't have to be GL, just a chance for you to show off some artwork. I am about 10 years into the undecided realm of what to etch on my body myself.

[EDIT] This just became a contest. Contestants need to post their entries in this thread. As there is no way to validate if this is really the their tatto, everyone needs to just play fair or you will be hunted down and brought to GL justice. This thread and therefore the contest will be closed at some time around, but not before, the end of September. I will then post a thread with a poll for enduser voting. Voting will be open for about 2 weeks and the high amount of votes wins.

Prize set is a baseball hat, member mini-lam, and a window sticker as seen in the Gear store. Winner will need to cover shipping though. Good luck to all! [/EDIT]

zeroaxe September 22nd 2006 16:25

Nothing fancy like I have seen before, but this was done by a friend the last time I went to visit S.Africa. He asked me what I wanted. I said :" I dont realy know, you know!?". "Well, because this is permanent, I am not even going to touch you if you dont REALY want something you like". Took me some time to decide, and when I did, I had a tough job convincing my friend that I made the choice not under peer pressure!!!:laugh: Anyway, here it is(on right shoulder):
It just 'spoke to me'. Not into mythology etc. Just like it.

He said afterwards that it is a good choice, because if I wanted to, I could get it 'developed' into something bigger later...

If I would go for another on the left shoulder, it would be this:

wrenchnride247 September 22nd 2006 22:10

Here's one of my VW Tattoo's. The other one is on my elbow (have you ever tried too take a picture of your own elbow :laugh: ) I will have to post that one later... after I get someone else to take the pic.

NO_H2O September 23rd 2006 01:06

I like that one wrench,,,, the bird is awsome.:agree:

zeroaxe September 23rd 2006 21:29

wow, lots of detail :agree:

Panelfantastic September 24th 2006 14:06

Not VW related but here goes...
I'm not into reptiles, don't have any as pets, just like the look of the skeletons.

Arm band. Wraps ALL the way around. My tat guy said quickest way to tell how tough a guy is by where on the arm he said "WHOA!".

Center of my back. Two pics to give idea of size and detail. Tats on the spine not recommended! I had to take a break about half way through, grinding on those bones made me dizzy:puke: .


zeroaxe September 24th 2006 17:54


Originally Posted by Panelfantastic (Post 53914)
My tat guy said quickest way to tell how tough a guy is by where on the arm he said "WHOA!".

I had a nice chat with my mate while he was busy with mine about tattoos and stuff. So I asked him where is the most painful place to get ink. He said, no doubt, on the skull and underarm/inner bicep! So I tend to believe that, based on Panelfantastic's assesment too! We went on having converstation about the most interesting tattoos he has done, and he went ahead telling me about this girl that 'opened the doors' and got some ink.........[graphic detail snipped] :eek:


wrenchnride247 September 24th 2006 21:19

Here's my VW logo on my elbow:eek: . It's got some wear on it (twelve years old!)

wrenchnride247 September 24th 2006 21:33


My tat guy said quickest way to tell how tough a guy is by where on the arm he said "WHOA!".
I know the feeling Jeff, three hours a piece :eek: . Sorry about the shameless Tattoo shop plug :D . The Tattoo's weren't that bad to sit through, but I have been told i'm not very smart :laugh: .

zen October 2nd 2006 16:15

get your entries in. i will close the contest in the next few days! the VKG has been represented. where are the rest of 'dem tat's?

NO_H2O October 4th 2006 00:41

Here's a repost of mine

dubKustom October 4th 2006 05:27

Here are mine...
A Yin/Yang symbol on my left forearm, inked with two killer whales from native american mythology:

The graphic novel hero Sandman on my shoulder:

On the inside is an owl, a ghost house, the year I was born and some other minor stuff:

They are between 8 and 4 years old and I still love them :D

wrenchnride247 October 4th 2006 21:43

Killer ink Dub!!

chug_A_bug October 4th 2006 22:22

these are just the start of my tattoo's got lots more and I just got some more of my other vw tatt coloured so I'll post that as soon as I get time to take pics :)

chug_A_bug October 16th 2006 19:20

well these are all my tatts for now still working on it all the time. ones a wrist band of tribal fish done the terdishanl way of tattooing, and then just a big back peace with a tribal deeman in it and the top is in old english in spanish but what it means is " I am their for I do " it's just the way I live my life :)
and then still working on my VDUB leg peace got my little nice machaic girl ;) and she even has a VDUB tat TOO!! and then just my 69 that I have what it would look like if it was cal
and a gaffiti spark plug with 1432 all in it and then the best for last and old skool transformer you all remember Bumm Ball bee the little yellow bug :) and I have the little blue bug on my wrist that was my first bug tha I got for my 16th B-day :) hope you like.

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