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was_sabi July 23rd 2002 21:03

is there gonna be a picture gallery on this site? :confused:

Alex July 23rd 2002 21:43

Yes but it is still in the works. At the moment Sandeep is trying to make the members rides page work where forum members can enter their infos and pics of their car.

The galleries will match the technical forum you will have an engine and brake gallery and so on.


Sandeep July 23rd 2002 22:54

This site WILL ROCK. The site is DATABASE driven which means its interactive. I'm putting the finishing touches on the 'Members Rides' section of the main site. This means that you will be able to enter information on your self and your car(s). You will be able to search the 'Rides' section with key words like 'Brembo', 'Cup 2' ect and the site will list all of the cars that match the key words.

This section will be online by the weekend. Stay tuned !


bren July 24th 2002 06:33

sounds good.. especially like the members rides idea..
talking of memnbers, as i said in another post, we need more members for this to work.. can i suggest an unsubtle plugging campaign on all the forums you currently visit? if people dont hear about it, they wont visit!

Alex July 24th 2002 06:41

We will do the advertising but as of now the forum is not 100% functional and the site not finished. We do not even know yet if our host is going to fix the little problems we have.

Let us wait and see what happens until the weekend.


pete July 25th 2002 00:11

hey guys,

dgluyas July 25th 2002 06:42

When this site is up and running it will be one of the best v.w sites available. Bring it on !!
I loved the old site and cant wait for this one to be fully operational. Congratulations to all involved in this monster effort!

From David Alias "goliath"
Volks Enthusiasts Club

Carbon Joe August 13th 2002 22:21

1 Attachment(s)
I have a bunch of pics (like this one) if you would like them for the site.

Alex August 13th 2002 23:00

Either email Sandeep or me the pics that you want to have posted in the galleries. That is for everyone that has pics to contribute. Make sure that they are at least 640x480 so that they are decent quality pics.

To the guests......thanks for the nice comments. I hope you registered to be part of it. We need members around the world.

For article submissions.....all the templates are available now. Click on the link of the Submissions box on the main page if you want to write one. If you already have one send it to me or Sandeep.


Chris Percival August 14th 2002 04:00

I recommend an email to Volksworld, when the site is fully functional. They have a large website section in the mag, which would be ideal for getting more publicity...

Alex August 14th 2002 06:21


sounds like a great idea. I think we should wait a bit until we have more content on the main site.


Sandeep August 28th 2002 22:39

We should look at this closer after the weekend !


vujade August 29th 2002 08:57

i was going to suggest the same also. That is submitting the site to HotVW's & VWTrends in the US. Maybe you could get them to mention a blurb in the front of the mags.

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