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kleinporsche December 5th 2006 13:08

Project iddling
Just got back my newly upholstered 914 seats today!:clap: ...after 6 months :sleep: I don't know what you guys are experiencing, but it seems like you've got to kick some asses in order to get things moving.Nobody seems to take you seriously when you say you want to build and keep a VW Beetle. The worst part is the engine: been at the garage 2 months got it back on the road the next day, the engine blew up and the mecanic as not done anything for 7 months!:eek: Lousy bastard. Now I've got to find a new engine. Anybody can help me with that around Quebec Canada, I live not too far from the US Border, maybe someone in the Boxer autogrouppe. I looking for a stock 1600 dp or 1641. Thanks. I had to let some steem out, I just soooo tired of pushing people around.

oasis December 5th 2006 16:45

The one time that happened with me was with the interior install. There was some reupholstering and other little things but the whole job was fairly pedestrian for specialty shop that has been in business for 35 years.

I took it in on a Tuesday because the shop said if they could get to it sooner, they would. Otherwise, they would start on Friday and I should be able to pick it up the following Tuesday or Wednesday.

I called the following Friday thinking I could have it for the weekend. "Oh, gee, we got backed up. We hope to get to it next week."

"Uh, okay," I said, trying to be nice.

I called again the Friday after that. "Oh, gee, things have been real busy."

"Well, it has been a week and a half after when you said it would be done, and you haven't even started on it yet. How can you be that busy that you are that far off?"

"You do have another car to drive, don't you?"

"Uh, y-e-e-a-ah. So? Does my other car have to go kablooey before you start working on my bug?"

"Ha, ha, ha. No, nothing like that. Take that '57 (Chevy) over there. It has been here for months while the owner is in his summer home in Maine. When he gets it back, it will be a real show winner."

"I hope he will still be alive so he can enter it in a show."

"When people bring in their hobby cars, it is with the understanding that we try to adhere to a schedule but our regular customers (taxis, police cars, dealers and the like) come first, since they are the ones who keep us in business. We had a sudden rush of cars we weren't counting on. Certainly, you can understand that."

"I would have understood it better if someone here had said I was some second-class after-thought a few weeks ago. Perhaps your reputation is much higher than it deserves to be, and I should take my 'hobby car' and the rest of my little toys and find someone else to play with. Someone with honor."

"Our work is of the highest quality."

"Your work is no work at all. You've been here 35 years? Well, guess what! I have been living here for 50 years ... and I will make sure everyone who sees my car will know you had nothing to do with it ... and why!"

After apologizing for "the misunderstanding," they kept the car and got it done by the next Wednesday. They took great pains in showing me the custom work that had to be done "at no extra charge," the seat belts they added "at no extra charge," and the door panels "at no extra charge," and the extra discount because they felt badly.

I like the money-savings, for sure, and they did do top drawer work ... but that kind of aggrevation isn't worth the trade-off.

All I have is a sympathetic ear, I'm afraid. I traded in my stock engine when I got my Type IV installed. Good luck.

Bullyboy December 6th 2006 00:53

It's never ending delays on mine too.
Trying to get my engine pieces together since August.
Picked up the engine case and assorted parts at Airspeed parts during the Great Canadian show. At the same time we ordered the crank and rods. They told us it would be a week to 10 days. Six weeks and a half dozen calls/e-mails later, I told them to forget it. I placed an order that day from CB Performance. Airspeed called back a few days later and said the parts came in.
Sorry, but 7 weeks for something you promised in seven days.
We also found some of the parts we picked up in August were picked wrong.
So we returned the parts in September and are still waiting for a credit.
Gee I wonder why they are going out of business:confused:

On the plus side we are getting the body in to the paint shop on the week of the 18th.

zeroaxe December 6th 2006 17:47

Sorry to hear about the engine. Unfortunately I myself is looking for one(or at least a stock undamaged crankshaft).

I too have got a moan about customer service(or the lack thereof).


...but our regular customers (taxis, police cars, dealers and the like) come first, since they are the ones who keep us in business...
I had a similar attitude once, from a Motorcycle shop though. Just splashed out money on a NEW bike. And seeing that I work like a normal person, normal week hours, I asked the guy if I can come on Saturday morning to pick up the bike? "Well, Saturday is not really a good time, we are busy on Saturdays" .... Uh? Say what!? WTF are you going on about? :eek: I just spend a couple of grand on a new bike, and you cant spare me the time on Saturday morning to come and pick up the bike, just because you got someone coming in talking/asking BS and MAYBE buy a pair of gloves from you!? Needless to say, I TOLD him: "See you Saturday morining then!" Wanker!!!! Months later, the business chain closed down that branch anyway.

The Client is King! Where have those days gone huh?:mad:

zeroaxe December 6th 2006 17:51


...but our regular customers (taxis, police cars, dealers and the like) come first, since they are the ones who keep us in business...
Qo how does that show your real skillz? Would you rather have a nice custom job to be your "word of mouth" type of publicity? (anyone follow American HotRod? You cant think that Gabe's Upholstery shop would turn down a cool custom job to be their REAL advertising!? Do they even do Taxis etc???)

nbturbo December 10th 2006 04:49

This **** must be worldwide.Took the seats from my Oval in 4 months ago to the supposedly best trimmer around.They are to be done in black leather and in the same style as my NB Beetle.I was promised a finish date at end of second week in November-after a few one sided phone calls to even get a quote.As of 19th Nov still no quote-so got my Brother to go pick everything up and take to another Trimmer(I was in New Zealand from 19 Nov until 8th December) He gave up the front buckets to my Bro but claims the back ones are in his Van somewhere and doesn't where it is.I rang when I got home(8th Nov) and the back seats are still missing and because I took the job from him-the missing seats are now my problem.What a ****wit.Wouldn't normally worry-would just get some more,but I had to modify the 2 back seats to clear the body mods when I fitted the Auto trans.Going to see the Police tomorrow.

zeroaxe December 10th 2006 06:33

Man, that sucks. I realy hope that you get your seats back. If it was me, I would follow him home after work and kick his sorry ***. He'll know what hit him! (not realy, these days you cant do that anymore. We are at the mercy of the <overworked> police because of pitty cases like this:mad: )

Dasdubber December 12th 2006 05:17


Originally Posted by nbturbo (Post 55641)
This **** must be worldwide.Took the seats from my Oval in 4 months ago to the supposedly best trimmer around.They are to be done in black leather and in the same style as my NB Beetle.I was promised a finish date at end of second week in November-after a few one sided phone calls to even get a quote.As of 19th Nov still no quote-so got my Brother to go pick everything up and take to another Trimmer(I was in New Zealand from 19 Nov until 8th December) He gave up the front buckets to my Bro but claims the back ones are in his Van somewhere and doesn't where it is.I rang when I got home(8th Nov) and the back seats are still missing and because I took the job from him-the missing seats are now my problem.What a ****wit.Wouldn't normally worry-would just get some more,but I had to modify the 2 back seats to clear the body mods when I fitted the Auto trans.Going to see the Police tomorrow.

Holy crap Gary - sorry to hear you are having lots of trouble with the trimmer. Can't wait to see your oval all done!

kleinporsche, sorry to hear you too had troubles, I can empathise with you both!

kleinporsche December 22nd 2006 01:10

Finally I decided to sell out my beetle:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: It turned out that the only thing good on this car was the chassis and it was Swing axle....:( I decided to keep All the parts I had bougth and collected and sold the whole for 400$. The good news is I've found a d%$?%&med good mecanic for my bug!!!! He will help me find a more solid bug. Probably a 1302 if I can find one. or any BJ/IRS 1600 bug, and he's going to help me build an engine. Wish me luck.

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