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Maran February 23rd 2010 14:05

Cookie Cutters in my VW Fusca
I writing from Argentina, Buenos Aires :D

I am buying some tires ATS Cookie Cutters, they are 15x7 and 5x130
What modifications i have to do in my new glook ? :cool:

offset? adapters 4*130 to 5*130 or use the same mass?


oasis February 24th 2010 02:50

My 911/912E/930 book breaks down models and years with their wheels and tires, but they do not mention offset. It is possible the wheels may tuck in just right without modifications if you're lucky with the offset.

However, any adapter you may use will add width and may make the offset question moot. If you drive your car aggressively on occasion, you might want to reconsider using adapters anyway. If you get your brakes studded for the 5x130 pattern straight away, you may have less adapting to do otherwise.

Cookie cutters should look sharp on your car, I think.

Maran February 24th 2010 04:09

i found in that the offset/ET std of the FUSCA is 40.

I found some tires whit ET38 :eekno: i will have to use some spacers?
or not?

Steve C February 24th 2010 04:47

1 Attachment(s)

15x7 Cookies have a ET 23, they will work fine the rear, 7s on the front will be an issue as they stick out more. 15x6s with ET 36 are better choice for the front.

This is an old 1300 bug I used to own with 6s & 7s, they fitted nice.


Maran February 24th 2010 16:02

can not change the rim of the tire? by one of 6 "?

Steve C February 24th 2010 18:55

Hi Maran

Sorry I don't understand your question, are you saying that you cant buy 6 inch wheels where you are?

My suggestion would be to find a pair of 6 inch wheels for the front. To fit 7s on the front you would need to narrow the front beam or widen the mudguards.


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