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vujade November 22nd 2005 07:38

VKG UK Chapter - Please sign in!
It has come to our attention that there is alot of interest in a
UK Chapter of the VolkSport Kafer Gruppe. The founding members
of the US VKG have discussed this and are all in favor of starting a
UK Chapter.

If you are interested in joining the UK Chapter of the VKG, please
sign in on this thread. This way we can see how much interest there
really is.

Once there is enough interest, you UK members will have to vote on
your officers. Offierers will include the following titles

President (leadership, vision, event coordination participation, sponsorship acquisition, etc)
Treasurer/Promotions (money person, marketing leader (merchandise and public awareness), event coordination participant)
Secretary (newletters editor, website administration, event coordination leader, etc)

The president can handle more of the above tasks if you can only elect
2 officers and not 3.

We will supply you with VKG Merchandise in the beginning until you guys
get off the ground. We will also provide you with webspace on our
homepage We would suggest that you join our
webpage and load your car info and personal info there. At this time,
we feel that the VKG is not large enough yet to warrant another club website.

bug-er November 22nd 2005 07:44

time to get your motor out and your names down guys!!! :D

samcat November 22nd 2005 10:26

Count me in.

Happy to help with website work and a newsletter...


Sam C

darren November 22nd 2005 11:09

At Last! :D
If i can help with anything let me know.


MdR November 22nd 2005 11:50

I'm happy to be a member, sadly I do not have enough time to be considered for a named role.

ricola November 22nd 2005 12:43

I'm in too, just not sure how much interest there is for setting up merchandise etc etc...


vujade November 22nd 2005 12:46


Originally Posted by ricola
I'm in too, just not sure how much interest there is for setting up merchandise etc etc...


We already have T Shirts & Stickers made up. You will just have to figure
out how many shirts you need and I will have them printed for you guys.
Same with the stickers. We are also looking into hats and jackets as well
and if you guys were to get in on these at the same time as us we would
be able to get better pricing buy more at one time.

bulliporker November 22nd 2005 13:22

german look
count me in adam, will my new porsche t25 van qualify beetle still in bits,

judgie November 22nd 2005 13:38

i'm up for this :D
no use at web stuff.
cheers rob

NO_H2O November 24th 2005 11:48

This is very cool. Just not sure how we can teach them to smack talk on the BK. :laugh:
It will great to have you folks with us. :agree:

yellow73 November 26th 2005 00:21

This is great especially from one who originally came from the UK!!!
Glad you have you guys involved (I have been here quite a while as you can tell from the language I now use...)

zen November 29th 2005 09:24

UK...all aboard. would be glad to have you as part of the Gruppe and the family. keep the website thing simple. no use in overdoing it. just use our site. we are small enough that it only makes sense to have all in one pot.

just go to the site at and sign up for an account. once you have the gruppe and dues structure together and are ready for people to officially become part of the gruppe, i can enable the accounts for the advanced functions on the site (personal gallery, content creation and publishing, etc). i will make one tweak to the user profile to identify the different chapters. all content on the site is self-maintained by the VKG members. you can add and moderate your own content as you see fit. just need to know who in the chapter will act as moderators. page additions are fine. let's just be sure to talk about any chapter specific navigation structure we need. you can use this forum freely.

get some officers elected. the basic gruppe structure already exists for you. piece of cake.

samcat, if you want to assist in finishing up resurecting some of the content (newletters, fixing the rules tables, etc), any help is appreciated. i lost all content from the old site and have to report it from two sites ago.

bug-er November 30th 2005 08:14

I may be the only one but I cant get on the site?
page cannot be displayed, you having troubles?

vujade November 30th 2005 10:33


Originally Posted by bug-er
I may be the only one but I cant get on the site?
page cannot be displayed, you having troubles?

I am not having any troubles... :confused:

typ4boy December 1st 2005 07:39

count me in, but can not do any work for the club as iam to busy building german lookers ;) Lee L.A.P

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