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cormac163 May 3rd 2005 09:29

1303 to 1303S
I am about to order a set of 1303s spindles to upgrade my '75 1303 to a 1303S Stylee. I am also going to get the Tarox 6 pot brakes as I had them on my last 1303S and they are brilliant.
Is it a straight swap on the two bolt system? or do i need different tie rods etc.
thanks in advance

Superman May 19th 2005 03:50

If I read your question correctly, you're going to change from 1303 drum spindles to 1303S disc spindles... use the same tie rods/ends.

cormac163 May 19th 2005 06:02

Thanks Superman.
do you know what parts i can use? are the backing plates calliper and the discs all a straight swap with the discs?

Superman May 19th 2005 09:12

Yes, you will just need to remove the drum, backing plate, and spindle then install the disc spindle and it's associated disc and backing plate. The disc and bearings are the same as the Bug and Ghia but the backing plate and spindle are unique to the Super.

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