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VRSICK December 27th 2002 17:00

What about a Fuel Injected Turbo Type 1???
The whole type 4 thing is really foreign to me, even though the norm for a german looker is a type4...

If at all possible, I'd like to stay away from things that could complicate the project, but still like to maintain similar goals (HP, theme, looks, etc)

So, to get the power that I would have gotten out of the type 4, and the look of that oh so sleek shroud, what do ya guys think of a type 1 turbo, fuel injected?

I'd have to start a whole new chapter of research on engine stuff, but hey, if it can get me in the ball park of say 200 - 250, that would be where i'm aiming ....

the car will be a show car more times than a drag car, but i'd like to take it to the track and get some nice numbers.. :-)

so anyways, any of you guys seen or have a type 1 FI turbo, is it possible to put it together?

(PS, what I meant about the type 4, is that parts are not readily available, and to get one, you have to get one from another car and all, i'd rather start off with a long block; fresh)

kdanie December 28th 2002 00:26

If you are wanting to keep things simple why are you looking at efi/turbo anything? It takes a very stout type 1 or type 4 to make 200 hp. Neither will be cheap. Type 4 engines and parts are not difficult to get. Either engine with 200hp will be expensive, with or without turbo/efi. There are many efi/turbo type 1s and type 4s on the road, they take some research and experience to do correctly. I'm not trying to discourage you, but I think you need to do more reasearch on what's available and necessary to reach the hp level you are looking for.

BeetleTwinTurbo December 28th 2002 13:03


I hear ya, i'm kinda gathering options also, but am having trouble coming up with a way to get it to those numbers. Guess I gotta do some more snooping around............

kdanie December 28th 2002 20:52

The best turbo VW info I have found on the net is the STF Forced Induction forum. Also try the Fuel Injection forum for that info.

lightning bug December 31st 2002 17:25

As said above, it won't be cheap nor easy. I'm building a T1 EFI Turbo and its a pain in the a$$. Lots of dough too. Do some research and then do it again. I'll hopefully be done this spring after about a year and a half, but its well worth it. 200-250. Try 300+. That's no joke. 1914 T's are getting over 200 and street driven. You dont need big displacement with a turbo to turn good #'s. IMO I'm not a big fan of carbs with a turbo so EFI would be a good idea. EMS more gooder. :D Get a plan, then build. I'd like to see more turbo aircooled cars. Don't forget drivetrain either!! Good luck!!

i heart vw January 3rd 2003 07:06

this is a little off the subject...i have in my sights a 1.8 T4 and was wondering if i could turbo it and should i use EFI (wich kind) or carbs (sidedraft or downdraft)...and if anyone has done this what numbers did they get or should i get?

thanks, tim

Supa Ninja January 3rd 2003 11:15

I have a CBPerformance catalog from 1999 and they had( maybe still have) a Turbo EFI kit that they are advertising as 250+hp's and on the dash tuning. I believe it was for around $3000-$3500. I emailed CB about it cause that kit is not on there web catalog and I never got a response.


lightning bug January 3rd 2003 20:14

CB's FI is VERY limiting with tunability. The only tuning you have is a rich/lean knob on the dash. You can get alot more with other systems for the same price. I'm sure carbs run nice when tuned. I had 'em on my 1776. EFI's easier to tune and EFI is far more reliable than carbs especially with a turbo. Plus with EFI, you don't have fuel in your turbo as on a draw through carb system.

jmillheiser January 11th 2003 00:11

and with a blow through you can intercool it which will increase power and reduce detonation.

what you could try is to get the throttle bodies/fuelrails/injectors from CB and get a better ECU from haltech or AEM. i think AEM's ECU is cheaper and still fully programmable for everything

Dave_Darling January 13th 2003 17:57

Turbo EFI TI? Sure, why not? It's only money... ;)

The 1.8 T-IV has been done. The one that I know of offhand uses a whole bunch of CIS parts, mixed (I think) with stock (914/1.8, L-jet) manifolding.

The 1.7/1910cc and 2.0 914 Turbos have been done as well. One 2.0 setup used a single draw-through carb setup and was very limited in terms of boost. The others have used a Miller FI CIS setup (1.7/1910/2.0; the engine kept growing) and a very modified stock-type D-jet EFI (2.0).

Look through posts on the Shoptalk Forums Type IV and Forced Induction BBS, there will be some specs and some discussion from Evil Ed (1.7/1910/2.0) and EJM (1.8) about their setups.


lightning bug January 13th 2003 19:57

Ahhh Boy....
T1's will last just as long as a T4 if you maintain it correctly and don't drive like an ass all of the time. Read this and its a T1 daily driver. They'll last if you take care of them. As with any engine.

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