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Sandeep May 1st 2003 09:32

Club rules !
To continue the conversation from last night ...

1. We need to get the stickers sorted out. I think we've all approved the logo ?

2. What should the club be based on ? Performance VW's !!

We started talking about what kind of car this club should be based on. I think the concensus was the vehicle should be based on what started as an AirCooled VW. The engine could be watercooled but the car had to start off as an AirCooled VW.

Lets keep this thread going here and once we finalize it, we can put the rules on the web page.

I can work on the page in my spare time.

** Lanner **

Where was that show this coming up weekend ?


Rob May 1st 2003 09:43

Maybe narrow it down to boxer engines ? (that way my plans still qualify :D )

I think Performance VW's, boxer engine, started out as aircooled, no trailer queens.
Or 'intend to increase performance', I don't think my stock, SP, single carb 1600 qualifies as a performance engine...


57mutant May 1st 2003 20:53

Hi all, had a great time last night. I agree with the "must have started life as an aircooled VW" idea. To include most people, maybe we should focus on any performance improvements over stock. That allows for just about anything. As for the "look" - well, that's a little harder. As long as it doesn't smack of "Cal-look", again just about anything is fine with me.

CLKWRK May 2nd 2003 21:49

Hey guys,

im on the sticker stuff, as we speak
Cheers, BRY

P.S. The meeting on the 30th was cool, we should do that every now and then

BWE May 3rd 2003 08:51

Hello Everyone!
Sorry I missed the meeting on the 30th, got called into work at the last minute...
For anyone who missed the meeting, can someone post a sort of "minutes" of the meet? Just the high points and any sort of decisions/conclusions made.
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone soon, maybe by the next meet my bug will be back on the road!:D

Alex May 3rd 2003 12:45

Hi Dave,

you missed an awesome meeting. We had lots of fun and really did not talk about the club until the last 10 mins. We were talking about rules, stickers and the webpage for the club. That is basically it. Other than that we talked about cars, motors etc and had a few beers.

Hope to see you next time.


petevw May 3rd 2003 17:58

yes it was a good meeting..

as Alex said, not much club "stuff" was talked about until Alex pointed out Sandeep was talking about rules. at that point everyone stopped talking and looked over to Sandeep, almost scaring him. kinda weird, but funny.

all other conversation was about motors, fast cars, parts, etc...


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