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Uber Affe December 13th 2005 04:01

I need a name for my 1303! Suggestions Welcome.
OK...I know all you guys have nicknames for your bugs so how about sharing your creativity and wisdom with me?
My Girlfriend owned it before me and it was once a bright red all stock beauty.
Time took it's toll and eventually it looked like crap..."til I got a hold of it.
Some of you may have seen the recent pics. I will provide some if it will help.

She used to call it "POPPY" as it was all red. I'm not opposed to feminine names as it's still the same car. She just got a make over of sorts.
She's a platinum now. Not a red.

So... Any suggestions on names?

Uber Affe December 22nd 2005 02:44

Still waiting...
Can't beleive no one's even come up with a suggestion!?


Maybe even oh...I've gotten some weird names....CAn't even think of 'em now...oh well.

bean_8044 December 22nd 2005 03:54

i refer to mine as "The Volkswagen". As in,"Im taking the volkswagen out." More likely,"I hope the volkswagen starts."

MX67 December 22nd 2005 08:38


Originally Posted by Uber Affe
OK...I know all you guys have nicknames for your bugs so how about sharing your creativity and wisdom with me?
My Girlfriend owned it before me and it was once a bright red all stock beauty.
Time took it's toll and eventually it looked like crap..."til I got a hold of it.
Some of you may have seen the recent pics. I will provide some if it will help.

She used to call it "POPPY" as it was all red. I'm not opposed to feminine names as it's still the same car. She just got a make over of sorts.
She's a platinum now. Not a red.

So... Any suggestions on names?

PLatinum and POPPY gives PLOPPY. Simple :D

zen December 22nd 2005 10:57

really hard to even suggest for me as it is so much about the personality of the car. mine didn't take shape until near completion when i realized it looks much like a hunchback (no offense to any hunchbacks on here :D) and since it is just about as much a Porsche now as it is a VW, Quasi just seemed like the right name given those situations and the feel you get from the car.

to me this is as much a personal thing as anything. post some pics though and maybe some additional info and we might be able to get you closer.

BeetleWarrior December 22nd 2005 13:48


Originally Posted by zen
really hard to even suggest for me as it is so much about the personality of the car.

This is most likily the reason you haven't goten a lot of replies. My '65 bug that I'm forced to use as a daily till I get the engine in my GMC truck. Has two names. Baby when she does good and the other "B" word when she doesn't. I'm just glad I get to call her baby more than the second. Names are kind of personal with our cars.

kakarottt December 22nd 2005 16:48


Originally Posted by zen
really hard to even suggest for me as it is so much about the personality of the car. mine didn't take shape until near completion when i realized it looks much like a hunchback (no offense to any hunchbacks on here :D) and since it is just about as much a Porsche now as it is a VW, Quasi just seemed like the right name given those situations and the feel you get from the car.

to me this is as much a personal thing as anything. post some pics though and maybe some additional info and we might be able to get you closer.

Quasi Porshwagen :laugh:

My friends dubbed mine Darth Beetle
My sister dubbed the 68 Puddles.. it was blue and left a puddle of oil on the driveway from the rear seal not being installed right.

ccain529 February 20th 2006 03:12

I agree with Zen, the personality is what determines it's name. And sometimes when you least expect it a name pops up. You can pretty much tell the gender of your car. Most car's I've seen on this website have more balls than a billiard table. :laugh: My 1302 is obviously masculine.
Until I was slammed by a drunk driver I had a 1.8 turbo New Beetle, yellow in color. Mind you it wasn't the fastest car in the world but for a stock, un modified car it had a lot of pep. My youngest daughter named the car. She called it Rufus, named after the Disney cartoon character. She said it was a "pint sized super hero". The name stuck. Like I said, sadly Rufus died in September. (ok here's the part where you all kinda stare at me blindly and wonder what I'm smokin') See I'm an Anime nut. I named my 1302 after Alphonse (Al for short) from Full Metal Alchemist. He's pretty much a hulk of empty armor with a soul. Young at heart, yet dangerous. I think it suits him quite well. Some folks think it's...well...strange to name a car. I say go tell that to Christine! Others question my manhood when they find out that I've named the car, especially a male name. To which I reply "Hey, I don't have a need to drive around in a great big shiny penis to compensate for my shortcomings!" They pretty much grumble a few expletives at me but they always shut up!
Man when I saw you wrote the color of you car was platinum, I started having flashbacks. My ex-girlfriend preferred platinum. Why? Because it costs more than gold! One of the reasons she's my ex! Not related, but I have insomnia and at this point I know not what I'm writing! :laugh:
You could always name you car Charity and claim it on your taxes! ;) "Yeah
last year I gave like three grand to "Charity"!
Good luck in your search for a name, but remember the car usually tells you what it's name is. So don't beat your head against the wall!


Quik February 20th 2006 05:32

going to the funny farm...

Originally Posted by ccain529
You could always name you car Charity and claim it on your taxes! ;) "Yeah
last year I gave like three grand to "Charity"!

ROFL!!!! I loved this!!! t00 bad I didn't think of that, maybe I'll name my next one Charity...

Mine actually started out with a different name and ended up naming itself 3 years later... It started out as a new and improved version of my dad's car (his was named Herbie after the movie, no aesthetic relation whatsoever), thus "dubbed" H2PO (Herbie 2.0)... Last november, after a $300 "quick fix" snowballed into a $2400 repair job, she changed her name to Sno-ball... (and in hindsight, I've realized every "repair" I've ever had to do on her has "snowballed" into something much bigger). L00king back, I realize that the first name never felt right, but the 2nd just rolls right off my tongue and fits perfectly... and the car seems to be okay with it t00. Some say VW's have their own personalities and I agree 100%. Sno-ball hates being ignored and she definitely is VERY picky about who works on her. Bizarre...

: puts on straightjacket:

NO_H2O February 20th 2006 18:06

The folks in my West GA. VW club named mine "Smack Black" Do to my smack talking nature and it's gloss black paint. My wife calls it "The Black Bitch" or "The German Mistress" My checkbook calls it "The Back Hole".
When you get it done, or somewere along the way, it will come up with it's own nick-name. Don't automaticly grab the first one to come along while you are wrenching on it or you might end up with "You Mutha-&#@%" or something like that. :laugh:

boblebaard February 21st 2006 11:08

How about "wobbly missile"? (Not sure I spelled it right thoug.. ?) :D

Lazarus February 21st 2006 11:49

i think all i can add is there is no right way to name someone else's VW. zen is right each car has a personality.thats where it comes from for me.when i names mine i started one place and ended up in a completly different when i was finished. i actually had to ask zen to change my username to its a matter of how you view your car. no one else even has to like the name as long as you're happy with it. :agree:

mrweasel March 26th 2006 04:27

What's the consensus? Is a Beetle male or female?


Uber Affe October 25th 2006 02:05

got it.
I picked the name: Miss MoneyPenny

Steve C October 25th 2006 10:02


Do you have any imaginary friends, maybe they can suggest a good name. :D


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