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WipEout June 16th 2003 04:35

CF badges
would anyone be interested in Carbon Fiber VW logos and badges? I can't make any guarantees that I'll be doing it just yet (definitely some for my car though). But if there is great interest, my buddy and I are going to start making them. We are already making badges for the Hondas and Acuras (they all seem to love the idea), and I think it would look pretty trick on a dechromed Bug! Lemme know what you all think!


samcat June 16th 2003 04:37

If you made a VW1303 carbon badge I would take it off you for the right price :)

Sam C

WipEout June 16th 2003 17:14

I would need a 1303 badge for the mold, but yeah, I was considering making that, the circle logo, the Volkswagen deck lid script, and any other small VW badge I might get my hands on. If there's enough demand for all these things, I will definitely scrounge for the other badges, since all I have right now are the VW logo and "Volkswagen" script for the Decklid.


samcat June 17th 2003 07:50

I could source you a VW1303 badge over here (uk) if you want.... There's loads of them. :)

Any other badges that you want which we have and you dont?


Plus I can get 1302 badges if needed...

Sam C

Steve C June 18th 2003 07:24


I would like a 1302LS badge. Have you thought about making engine size badges like VW used to do, VW 1300 could be VW 1776 or 2007 etc.

Steve C

WipEout June 19th 2003 05:38


Originally posted by samcat
I could source you a VW1303 badge over here (uk) if you want.... There's loads of them. :)

Any other badges that you want which we have and you dont?


Plus I can get 1302 badges if needed...

Those all sound good! Especially the 1302 badges (71 Superbugs seem to be really popular around here lately...) Email me with some prices and we can probably work something out! It's still not a completely definite thing yet, but if I keep getting large demand for these and we can work something out for the European badges, we may all come out quite happy!

As for "specific engine size" badges, Steve, I might be able to do that, but I would need a lot of time to pretty much "free-form" a quality looking badge mold, unless you want the script to look like a 4 year old wrote it! ;)


Superman June 19th 2003 07:07

The way VW has been coming down on everyone for their copyright I would keep this on the down-low. They sure did stir up quite a heap in the aircooled community. :( :rolleyes: :mad:

WipEout June 20th 2003 14:09


Originally posted by Superman
The way VW has been coming down on everyone for their copyright I would keep this on the down-low. They sure did stir up quite a heap in the aircooled community. :( :rolleyes: :mad:
That's exactly why we're hesitant to do this. Hopefully, this CF stuff will stay enough of a nich market that VW won't notice, or at least won't care. Either way, we aren't really planning on mass marketing, just local stuff mostly, plus the occasional internet sale. Hopefully this'll all pan out...


Superman June 20th 2003 15:07

Personally I think VW went a bid too far with this issue and it certainly changed my opinion of their company. Anyhoot, those badges would be cool for the CF guys.

oasis June 24th 2003 08:10

I don't want get into the fray of VW's trademark and copyright issues as (1) I know there are a lot of strong feelings on both sides of the fence, and (2) I don't know all of the facts in each case -- and each case is separate.

I do know from a legal standpoint, if VW knows something is offered for sale that would be a trademark or copyright infringement and they do nothing (i.e. cease and desist), they would have no recourse to do anything to anyone in the future. This is regardless if any are sold or not, much less if they are mass produced or not. (There is no legal definition of "mass produced" by the way.)

Why not offer individual letters and numbers in any style you like (hint, hint, hint) with adhesive backing. That way, someone could purchase VW 1303, VW 1302S, or as someone suggested, VW 1776, or even TYPE IV if someone wanted that. Certainly no case would be made in this instance.

Just an idea,

WipEout June 25th 2003 04:14

That's a good idea, Oasis. My whole take on "Mass Production," though, is that I don't think there are enough people interested in CF badges to make so many that VW might take notice. If I were making them by the 100s and selling them world-wide, however, that is an altogether different matter. This is more of a " make a couple for my buddies" rather non-profit thing. Biggest problem with individual characters though, is you could easily lose one letter or number, and I personally wouldn't like that too terribly. But that would come back to how likely we are to keep doing this (for VWs), and how willing the CF guys are to buy it... (supply & demand). Still, my friend and I are still discussing things (taking us a while isn't it?) and we haven't come up with a complete gameplan yet, so I'll let you all know when the time comes. Hopefully it'll pan out before September, because I am finally moving to San Francisco for a few years of art college!

Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

BeerRocket July 12th 2003 19:45

I would love to have a VW badge on the front hood in CF and a volkswagen script like the ones on the decklids.

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