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libila August 6th 2005 19:45

Full vehicle decal/Paint?
I was thinking of doing something a little different with my Super, a full vehicle decal job. I got the idea from DC Shoes Gumball prepared STi-

I was curious, if I were to do something like this what kind of paint should I use? I don't see the point of getting an expensive paint job if I'm just going to cover it up.

What do you guys think?

lazylongboarder August 6th 2005 22:15

Ehh. Camo on a beetle is for bajas unless you are really cool.

LOAF August 7th 2005 13:03

Don't do it..

I have both a Scooby and a few beetle (in the works).. Leave that for the military..

Saw the article, can't remember the magazine.. did not like what they did to the three STI's..

Just my opinion.. while they are nicely done, not my cup of tea..

LLVWGL August 7th 2005 16:43

what they use is like a huge sticker and it's called a "wrap". Three of the trucks at my work are wrapped and i have to say it doesen't wear well. THe oldest one was wrapped about a year ago and it is beginning to peel in a few places. It has also bubbled along the bodyline, and is easily torn. For a commercial vehicle which will see a lot of use, high mileage, and wear out quickly, it is ideal.

Troy_Audio August 10th 2005 16:46

I think it is neet stuff.. but I also think the life time is alil short
could always get a nice decal on the side or over the roof & just replace them when they get ratty lookin..
Im thinkin of that on mine..
Peace Troy

LLVWGL August 29th 2005 01:43

I thought i should add, my boss mentioned that it was about $5000 per truck to wrap them like that. :eek:

Uber Affe September 3rd 2005 01:41

Proper camo scheme.
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Well, I've convened with the masters and they tell me that this would be the appropriate camouflage for a german vehicle of this type.
Please refer to the image for reference.

hehe....well...ok, it's a bit dated.

Uber Affe September 3rd 2005 01:59

modern camo scheme...hmmmm...
1 Attachment(s)
You're right...It only looks like it fits when it's a baja.
Just too militant, "I like huntin deer fer fun" and have a rifle rack on my truck window looking.

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