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volksauto March 10th 2008 07:48

check out this web site
i am new member to this site and thought i post this australian web site of Steve carter's vehicle build up based around a subaru WRX conversion,it would be interesting to get some feed back on the quality of his conversion?.

Steve C March 10th 2008 08:19

Hi, that's me!

DORIGTT March 10th 2008 09:57

Hey SteveC

Your work is total crap!

You need to come do the same for me but paint it pink :o cause I'm such a chump and can't do that work for myself:D

Cool. I'm sure it's going to be fun!

I'm actually working on a setup like you originally had with the WBX engine. I'm trying to keep it in the family while still having some fun.

Keep on cutting and welding away.;)

Steve C March 10th 2008 18:01

Hi Dorigtt

Thanks for that, I'm trying really hard to finish the body so I can get it away to get painted, black.


lovebugrcr September 25th 2008 07:50

I really love the the new firewall setup. at first i thought it seemed like a bit much but it all works together in mounting various parts and pieces. Great thinking!

Steve C September 25th 2008 09:10


I'm starting to see an end in site now, glad you like it.


volkdent September 25th 2008 12:20

Tsk tsk, Steve!! I'm pretty sure I've not seen those buildup pics on here... How about a "Steve's Subydub Project" post on here?:D


Steve C September 25th 2008 18:26


I have been a bit tardy. Progress has been so slow I didn't want to bore everyone, I started doing this car when I sold my 1302 in September 2004. I will start a thread when I get a bit more advanced, but in the meantime, keep checking the link above.


graham April 13th 2009 06:39

Hi Steve C

I am running a 2 liter turbo wrx lump in my 1303, I just wondered how and where you got your v force pedal cluster and how much was it


Steve C April 25th 2009 11:23


I bought it from V Force but it was made by CNC


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