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Old February 2nd 2010, 08:28
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The Remmelle Motorsport web site is listed as being 'locked', which to me is a euphamism for 'all ain't well with the company'. If it was down for reconstruction you would say so and you would ensure that it was for the very shortest time - customer are fickle and they don't need an excuse to get pissed off and go else where.

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Old February 2nd 2010, 15:56
70Turbobug 70Turbobug is offline
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Originally Posted by MX67 View Post
Hey 70Turbobug, do You have the adress?

I would really like to visit Remelle and see that workshop. I'm planning to go to Germany/Koeln in about 5 months

Ooser Bahnhofstrasse 27
Baden Baden,Germany

The Remmelle Motorsport web site is listed as being 'locked', which to me is a euphamism for 'all ain't well with the company'. If it was down for reconstruction you would say so and you would ensure that it was for the very shortest time - customer are fickle and they don't need an excuse to get pissed off and go else where.

I donīt know what your case is or the difficulties youīve had and may be all justified.Iīm not here to defend or attack anyone.The aircooled industry in general is fairly unproffesional compared to other markets.Hardly anyone can hold up to what they promise,especially when it comes to customer service,on-time delivery or quality.Iīve had issues and dissapointments with many companies in this industry.So far Iīve been treated well by Jake Raby and Remmele,both have had their share of kudos and complaints.Some are justified,some arenīt,you canīt make everyone happy.On the other hand there are a lot of bozos out there that just bomb the hell out of these businesses,constantly calling,emailing about there projects and getting a lot of free advice - and then they order a gasket set and thatīs it,or order something and donīt have the money,etc. there are hassles on both sides of the fence and I could fill this forum with examples and experiences from both sides.

As far as the website being locked or whatever,I donīt know.Maybe he went to different provider or whatever.
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Old February 3rd 2010, 05:24
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Originally Posted by 70Turbobug View Post
Ooser Bahnhofstrasse 27
Baden Baden,Germany

I donīt know what your case is or the difficulties youīve had and may be all justified.Iīm not here to defend or attack anyone.The aircooled industry in general is fairly unproffesional compared to other markets.Hardly anyone can hold up to what they promise,especially when it comes to customer service,on-time delivery or quality.Iīve had issues and dissapointments with many companies in this industry.So far Iīve been treated well by Jake Raby and Remmele,both have had their share of kudos and complaints.Some are justified,some arenīt,you canīt make everyone happy.On the other hand there are a lot of bozos out there that just bomb the hell out of these businesses,constantly calling,emailing about there projects and getting a lot of free advice - and then they order a gasket set and thatīs it,or order something and donīt have the money,etc. there are hassles on both sides of the fence and I could fill this forum with examples and experiences from both sides.

As far as the website being locked or whatever,I donīt know.Maybe he went to different provider or whatever.
Sorry, but I have never dealt with Remmelle and therefore mine was not a comment on their operating procedures or whatever. Its just that whenever I see a web site in this current state (and there have been a few over the last two years) there is the suspicion that the company has gone bust, is on its knees, has ceased trading etc. I accessed Remmelle through Google so any new provider should have shown up. On the other hand if there is a legitimate reason for the web site being locked then you would have thought that a simple explanation would be available. As it stands if I was in the market for some components or a built engine on seeing their web site I would go elsewherebecause there is no contact details and several attempts over a couple of days shows the same non-infrmation.

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Old February 3rd 2010, 12:14
70Turbobug 70Turbobug is offline
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Ok,to shed a little light on the subject: I spoke with Remmele this morning.He has been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks.His website is down because he cancelled his current provider and hasnīt got around to switching to another provider yet because he was in the hospital.Clive,I can somewhat understand that you may think because a website doesnīt exist anymore that the business is gone also.I guess thatīs just the modern way of thinking that a business doesnīt exist if it doesnīt have a website or they cancelled their website.People are quick to judge nowadays without really knowing what the case is,which just kind of bothers me - especially on the internet .Moldex makes some of the finest cranks in the world and they donīt even have email...
Only a small percentage of Remmeleīs "first time" customers and business contacts are through the internet.Most of his business comes from "word of mouth" current customers that recommend his products and services to others.This is the case with most of the german businesses in the acvw industry,hardly any of them rely on the internet and the majority of their customers are local.That said,that is one of the problems trying to do business from the USA with a german acvw company.There is a reluctance from german tuners in general to do business overseas due to hassles with customs,freight and money transfer.If the american banking system was more modern in dealing witrh wire money transfers and cheaper fees,it would open the doors for doing better business.Iīve known Remmele for 10 years now,he has been in business for 25 years and has always done quite well,despite all the rumors etc. with him changing adresses/locations.That was because he always grew bigger and needed more space because he has always wanted to do most everything in house.Even the shop he has now has gotten to be too small,so he will possibly be moving again within the next couple of years.
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Old February 3rd 2010, 13:13
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Thanks for the enlightenment! The original web site was an impressive one so that when you get the message that it is locked you must get suspicious - as I said I've seen a few impressive businesses go down the pan over the last two years and it adds to all the frustration. I trust Remelle is well now and getting back into the groove?

BTW I am a partner/director of a small two man business and we don't have a web site either since we also rely on repeat business and referals, which has meant that we have been very busy over the last two years whilst all the others in our profession are floundering. I understand the small business issues and we always make an effort to please our clients and make them feel they are special - its part of the quality philosophy we apply. We are into quality not quantity.

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Old February 3rd 2010, 13:35
70Turbobug 70Turbobug is offline
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understand the small business issues and we always make an effort to please our clients and make them feel they are special - its part of the quality philosophy we apply. We are into quality not quantity.
A rare trait nowadays.That is what will make the difference to some of your competitors - I wish you luck and succes in keeping that! Remmele has taken up business again,slowly.
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Old February 3rd 2010, 18:46
andrimot andrimot is offline
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personally never had a problem with GWD lot of years now.

At the other side never can make a contact with Remmele but i have some second hand parts of them.
True germanlookers are air cooleds!!!
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Old February 4th 2010, 05:15
SilverBullet SilverBullet is offline
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Hope all is well with Eddy and Beate.
T4 2666 1303s
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Old February 4th 2010, 08:30
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Welcome andrimot, by the way I totally agree with your signature. You are extremely R I G H T, True German Lookers must be air cooled O N L Y!!!!!!!!!!
VW 1303s 1975 (German Look)
VW 1300 1964 (Rally Car)
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